Saturday, December 17, 2016

Recently I came across the name Karen Watson.  Have any of you heard her name?  Do you know who she is or what she has done?  This article from Desiring God sums up who she is.

Karen Watson wrote her own epitaph. Its message has stirred me up to pray for more radical devotion to Christ. She has not died in vain. She was a Southern Baptist missionary to Iraq and was killed by unknown assailants March 15, 2004. I am mentioning it now simply because I was reading the book Lives Given, Not Taken: 21st Century Southern Baptist Martyrs, by Erich Bridges and Jerry Rankin. In it I ran across the letter that Karen wrote and left behind in an envelope that said "Open in case of death." It said in part:
Dear Pastor Phil and Pastor Roger,

You should only be opening this in the event of death.

When God calls there are no regrets. I tried to share my heart with you as much as possible, my heart for the nations. I wasn't called to a place; I was called to Him. To obey was my objective, to suffer was expected, His glory my reward, His glory my reward . . .

       The missionary heart:
  • Cares more than some think is wise
  • Risks more that some think is safe
  • Dreams more than some think is practical
  • Expects more than some think is possible.
I was called not to comfort or to success but to obedience. . . .

There is no Joy outside of knowing Jesus and serving Him. I love you two and my church family.

In His care,

Salaam, Karen

How many of us could write this letter?

These days in our culture we are so comfortable, to comfortable.  We buy lettuces in a bag because we are to lazy to clean it and cut it up ourselves let alone try to grow it ourselves.

There is a whole world of people around us who do not know Jesus!  There are some Christ followers that are willing to give their lives just so others can know Jesus.

Please, don't waste your life, your time, your money on things that don't matter for the Kingdom of God.  Look around you, who needs to know Jesus?  Who hasn't heard the wonderful news of Jesus Christ and His free gift of salvation?

Give the gift of the Gospel this Christmas season.  Make it clear to those around you that life is about JESUS!

"And I heard God ask, Who will I send"?  Is. 6:8

What will you say?

Saturday, November 19, 2016

The past couple weeks I have enjoyed the children from our Mara Children's Home come one by one and  spend the mornings with the girls and I as we do school.  The girls have enjoyed it so much.  It's been good to spend time with them on an individual basis and see what their needs are or what they enjoy doing.

Byron does not like math but really excels in reading.  Soyion can finish two word search puzzles in the time I can do a half of one.  Nayanoi does not like the taste of my hot chocolate, and just because she is deaf/mute does not mean she can not communicate that to me with a very sour look!  Luken and Sipalon love doing math with Savannah and Dodo giggles at everything, which melts me. Simoton loves to read and did very good at her creative writing.

Two things that have really stuck out to me so far is one, that Nayanoi LOVES playing with baby dolls and stuffed animals which absolutely touches my heart because I am so thankful she has this opportunity to be a little girl and play!  Her life before was heading in the direction of a little beggar on the corner.  When she laughs and smiles I am filled with joyful tears.

The second thing is that Byron called me Mum.  This sweet little boy's mother abandoned him years ago and his father just died this year.  He has done very well adjusting here but needs a lot of guidance.  When he called me Mum my heart jumped.  I was wondering what was going through his head at the moment?  For me, I was thinking, absolutely Byron, I'll be your Mum!

I feel so blessed to be a part of the lives of these children.  It is a joy to watch my girls love, help and play with these kids as well.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Sarah, me, Kristy, and Missy

"By this men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another."  John 13:35

There is always someone who needs to hear about the hope that is in Jesus.  Maybe it's your neighbor, maybe it's the flower shop girl or the lady that rings up your groceries.  We all need an encouraging word and a caring hand.  Christians should be known for their love for one another and their willingness to reach out a hand to those in need.  It's not just the "job" of a a pastor or missionary, it's for all Christians, young and old.

20 years ago my best friend died suddenly which shook my youthful life.  Still to this day I think about her, our sweet short friendship, and I'm encouraged by the short life she lived.  Hundreds of people came to her funeral and the Gospel was proclaimed very clearing.  That is what it is all about about, Jesus.  Sarah was known for her love for Jesus and others, even at the tender age of 16.  The week before she died she shared the Gospel with a girl at school and she came to know Jesus.
Jesus said, "By this men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another."

If you died today, don't you want to be known for your love for Christ and others?   As Paul said, to live is Christ and to die is gain.  We have one life, one chance to make a difference in this life.  I'm sure life is not about me, myself and I and what all I  can collect and accomplish for me and my own.  
To live is CHRIST and to die is gain.  Life is about Jesus.  I want all those around me to know Him, to love Him, to feel the peace that passes all comprehension.

So, when you see your neighbor who is struggling, when you walk by the girl in the flower shop, when you are standing in front of the girl ringing up your groceries, share the good news of Jesus with them.   Show them where the peace for this crazy life comes from.

May we be bold witnesses for Jesus Christ!

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Wednesday was my last day teaching the Girls Club at MCA for the year.  The school is closing for a two month break in just two weeks.  It was sad telling the girls that have been a part of the Club that this was the last meeting until the first of the year.

We have been talking about what it looks like to make good choices as young girls, 4th and 5th graders, and we have explored the 10 commandments along with the commands in the New testament, Love God, Love Others.  For the last day I taught from Psalm 119:9 and Proverbs 3:5 to try and encourage them to be pure and stay in God's Word.  As the girls finished up some of their coloring projects I took the opportunity to pray individually with each girl.  As they came, one by one, and sat next to me I tried to look in their eyes and tell them that I love them and that God loves them.  Then I asked them what I can pray for and most of them said to pray that they would do well on their upcoming test. And then there were a few girls that asked for more personal requests, like, my dad is in prison and it's hard on my family, and pray God can forgive the bad in me, and pray that I can understand the Bible more.  It was a joy to pray with them and I truly hope it will encourage them in their lives.

Life is too short to not share Jesus everywhere you go and to all you come in contact with.  We just don't know what tomorrow will bring.  Some of these girls come from very bad home situations and I'm just not sure the amount of love that they feel.  I am blessed to be a part of their lives and show them that Jesus loves them and cares for them.

Will you please pray for these girls, that they will come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior?

Friday, September 30, 2016

Kotea sporting it in her school uniform.
 This girl was born the same year that Travis and I were married.  Little did I realize then that our paths would cross, never to be the same again.
When Travis and I were first married we knew for sure we were called to go to the mission field to serve God.  We prayed hard and after many years of struggling and some discouragement God provided what we needed to come here.

As I look back on all the prayers I prayed, for the people I had yet to meet, for the children that had yet to be born, I am in awe of God's timing and province.

Kotea's mother died very soon after her younger brother was born.  She has been raised by her aging grandmother and the two other wives of her father.  Her father loves her but having two stepmothers has not been easy for her.  Her grandmother is quite old and so Kotea does a lot of work to help.

Ever since I have known Kotea she has faithfully come to       church on her own. Over the years she has grown into a beautiful young lady who loves Jesus and has a passion for His Word.

I have had the pleasure of teaching her in Sunday school for many years and as of the last few years she has attended my girls Bible study.  This girl is always challenging me with questions about the Bible and has grown leaps and bounds in her faith recently.

She is now in 10th grade and learning the challenges of high school.  Life has not been easy for her but she rises to the challenge and trusts God in all things.  I am truly blessed to know her.  Honestly, I see her as one of my daughters and it seems our bond is growing.  Recently when she was heading back to school, 6 hours away, she stopped me and hugged me saying she loved me.  Understanding the Masai culture of not showing outward affection, her action and words really touched me.

We welcomed Kotea to stay at our Children's Home while she is on school breaks and she has been an abundance of help and encouragement to the girls there.  She has lead them in Bible studies and learning new praise songs and has become a wonderful role model for them.

I am beyond blessed to know this girl.  I am so grateful that God in His providence and timing let our paths cross on this earth.  I have gained a daughter.

Kotea teaching Sunday school for the first time.

Kotea with the girls at Mara Children's Home, 

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

It's hard to explain the love I have in my heart for the people we work with.  The other day I was walking in the village greeting people, visiting with ladies I haven't seen in a while and inviting others to church and as I was walking around I felt so over whelmed with thankfulness to God for allowing us to be here and serve Him in this way.

Yesterday we had our Women's Bible Study at a ladies house. We do that every now and again to welcome new babies, it's kind of like a baby shower, but different than the way we do it in the states.
When we arrive at the house we all squeeze in and sit where we can and just when you thing no one else will fit, more come and somehow we make room.  Normally it is very hot in the hut but this lady's house is a bit bigger and has a good opening for a door and a window across the room, so, the breeze was nice.  Although, when the wind started picking up the ladies insisted on closing the window so the wind wouldn't bother the babies, (who are nicely bundled I might add).

Elizabeth, my dear Masai friend, shared from the Word to encourage this mama of twins about how children are a blessing and that whenever they start to annoy her just to look at then and say, "You are a blessing," and then you will see your frustrations subside.  She taught for a short time, then the mama who we were there to celebrate had a few words to say.  Now, before I tell you want she said I want you to know that she has 5 or so kids and the last two are twin girls who are just precious.  OK, she started by saying she is thankful we all came to welcome her twins and that she is blessed by us being there.  Then she says, "I'm not finished having babies, I'm not yet satisfied so I will keep having more."  Oh, of course we all laughed in some kind of agreement, but she was totally serious and we all knew it.

Not so much now, but in the recent past, a good Masai women would have around 10 kids.  One of the older ladies in our church whom I just found out recently was born in 1935, used to tell all of us ladies that we needed to keep having babies until our eggs ran out!

After the Bible study all the ladies gave words of encouragement to this mama, it was such a precious time of fellowship.  Then, our hostess brought us chai and bread to enjoy, and two sodas, one for me and one for Sarah.  They are so kind since milk does not set well with me these days.

As we all sat enjoying ourselves I just sat and watched and listened to these ladies go on and on.  Sometimes you would think they are fighting, but they aren't, they are having a wonderful time. I speak Swahili and so do most of them, but Masai is their mother tongue so they were rambling on in Masai and I usually just pick up bits and pieces of what they are saying.  I love watching them have a good time with each other, passing babies back and forth, sipping chai and munching on bread and tons of laughter!

It's times like these that I sit back and think about how much I love Jesus and how grateful I am to be here serving Him, and how sweet fellowship with Christ is because there are no boundaries of tribe, race or tongue!  God is amazing!

Sunday, September 4, 2016

"Sing to God, sing praises to His name; life up a song for Him who rides through the deserts, whose name is the LORD, and exult before Him.  A father of the fatherless and a judge for the widow, is God in His holy habitation.  God makes a home for the lonely..."  Psalm 68:4-6

God is faithful in all He does and we see His hand daily in our lives here on the mission field.  I have learned over the years of my life the importance of trusting God fully, especially when He prompts your heart to do something.

Starting a school was not easy for us and is a lot to put on our shoulders. In the bush things are not easy, if something breaks you can't just run to Home Depot and pick up a replacement.  You make something nice and then it gets ruined by the very ones you made it for.  But, you just keep on going, you keep on loving, and you keep on sharing Christ in all you do not matter what.

There are 7 little children who live on this mission station who have come from some hard situations.  Some are fatherless, some come from homes broken by alcohol and some come from great poverty.  Either way, they need help, they need hope and they need love.
Making a difference in a child's life like these sounds inspiring, doesn't it?  Let  me tell you, it's heart breaking and there is nothing easy about looking in the eyes of a child who's father died and who's mother abandoned him, never to been see again.

But, you know what is inspiring?  God, the father to the fatherless. God, who makes a home for the lonely.  God, who loves us and sent His Son to DIE in our place.  If that doesn't put a fire under you then I don't know what will.  If that doesn't motivate you to DO something, than I don't know what will.
If you really trust God, like we like to say we do, then step out of your comfort zone and do something for the Lord who loves you and cares for you.  It's not easy, but, He is with you every step of the way.  He won't call you to do something and then leave you.  Trust Him.  Follow Him.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

 This has been a very exciting week for us.  Not all weeks are like this.  Some times you go day to day with the same old stuff, same old routine, nothing to write home about.
But, oh, this week has been full of different emotions, excitement and joy mixed with some sadness, feelings I didn't thing about when we started a girls home.
Ndoto feeling very determined to figure out how this puzzle works. 
All of our girls at Mara Girls Home are settling in and couldn't be happier right not.  I'm sure a clean bed, three meals a day and fresh water are helping with that.  One little girl (Ndoto) that came from another village just keeps smiling and giggling  It's very contagious!  I had never met her before but I am completely in love with her.  I'm sure if you heard her giggle and saw her determination to try things she has never tried before, you would melt too.
Ndoto showing off her new clothes.

The day we opened the home we invited the guardian or parent to bring the child and to see for her/himself where the child will be staying.  One parent came with her daughter and first thing handed me the death certificate for the girls father.  That was very sobering.
Savannah explaining how the floor puzzle works.
An older girl we invited to stay at Mara Girls brought a few cousins and friends to see where she would be staying.  The look on those girls faces broke my heart.  I'm sure inside they were excited for their friend, but they seemed very down hearten that they would not be staying as well.  That was such a mixture of emotion for me, as well as for those girls I'm sure.
At that moment I realized,  I can't take all the girls.  As I go about in the village or go to church and I see those little faces of the girls that won't be coming to stay at Mara Girls, and I get that sad little face looking at me, I feel so broken.

So, its a mixture of feelings, excitement and sadness.  We will keep praying that God will send us the girls that He has planned for us, the girls that don't have a safe place to call home.  For now, I am so thankful for the these sweet and innocent girls that God has brought us to care for!  Each moment with them is a gift for which I am so thankful!

They got it done!

This week we also finished putting in the playground for our school and community. We are so thankful for the VBS kids at my sister's church that gave for that!  I am amazed that those kids gave so much and I hope that they will see and know just how much their gift means to the kids in this village!

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

I've waited for this day since I was a young girl.  I've wondered what their sweet faces would be like, where they would come from and what their names are.  I have prayed for them without knowing their names.  I have prayed and hoped that God would lead me in the right direction to meet these sweet girls.  Today we open Mara Girls Home!

As I look back on the journey God has had me on, I'm so thankful!  I see God's hand in my life so strongly.  He has given me a wonderful husband, who loves Jesus and is working hard for HIS name. He has given me 4 beautiful girls of my own to love and teach about Jesus.  He has given me my heart's desires to be a wife, a mother and a missionary.  I couldn't as for more in my life.

The excitement is brewing in my heart to get to know these girls God is sending our way today.  My deepest prayer for them is that they will know Jesus and the love He has for them.  May we be His hands, His feet and His messenger as we love these girls with the love of Christ.

 I have decided to follow Jesus
No turning back no turning back 
The world behind me the cross before me  
No turning back no turning back 
Though none go with me still I will follow 
 No turning back no turning back 

In whatever you do today...would you be His hands...His feet...His messenger...showing His love to all those around you?

Saturday, August 13, 2016

I know the lady that lives behind this door.  She built this house with her own hands.  She carried the branches and sticks to build the frame.  She mixed together the mud and manure with her hands and put in on the walls.  She worked hard for weeks and weeks to make it perfect for her family.

This lady is a good friend of mine.  God saved her years ago and she has walked closely by Him ever since.  She has walked through valleys and hike up mountains and her faith remains strong.  She works hard every day to feed her family, plus many others who may come her way.  She never complains or gives up because she knows the One who sustains her will not let her go.  She preservers and stands strong against any cultural traditions that may offend her God.

I can't say enough about this lady.  She knows where her eternal home is...with Jesus in heaven.  She knows and lives in such a way that reflects that in her life.

What if you lived behind this door?  What would your life reflect?

Saturday, July 30, 2016

We are finishing up our second term at MCA.  It is such a blessing to see all these kids on a daily basis and watch them grow.  Some of them are reading better and really growing academically.  

Just yesterday I was sitting in the office looking over some test and a few kids came in asking for the ball to go play with.   Then this cute little boy from our kindergarten class came in and just stood there.  We asked him what he wanted and he said he wanted to read on the Ipad.   He was very anxious to play the educational games we put on there and enjoyed his time with Summer who was guiding him though it.

I pray that our school will be a solid foundation for these children. Academically speaking, yes, but more than that, really. So many of our school kids come from difficult situations at home. Some have lost a parent, been abandoned, live among abuse and so much more.  Honestly, it's heartbreaking and a lot to take in.   God's grace helps us know better how to help each one and what that may look like.  

Recently, a boy lost his father, and his mother had abandon him years ago so he is living with a mechanic in town who took pity on him because he was living in different shops.  I pray that we can help him in some way and guide him through this difficult time. He's only in 2nd grade.

I know that the world is full of hurt and sorrow.  Each place is touched by pain and suffering.  Each soul longs to be loved and cared for.  Only Jesus Christ can mend a soul and comforted a broken heart.   Who will be His feet?  Who will be His hands? Who will bring the healing Words of Jesus to these hurting souls?
Oh, may we be like Isaiah when he said, "Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, "Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?" Then I said, "Here am I. Send me!" Isaiah 6:8

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Growing up Amy Carmichael was my hero.  I have read many books about her and by her, but one really shook my world.   Let the little children come is the story of Amy learning of the tragic costume in India where little girls were given to the Hindu temple gods as sacrifices and temple prostitutes.  In God's sovereign plan Amy begins rescuing these girls from their horrific plight.  
The story goes on, in which, Elisabeth Eliot communicates much better than I could every attempt to in, A Chance to Die. (Which I would read every year if time allowed.)
God has given me a heart to see little children come to Him. A heart for little girls who are forced into awful cultural traditions such as MFG, Female Genital Mutilation, and Child bride.  He has given me a heart to see these girls have a chance at a normal life, a childhood that includes school, jump ropes, hopscotch, lots of giggles and knowing Jesus.  
Can you imagine being married at 12 years old to a man triple your age?  Can you imagine being 12 years old, never gone to school and being the 4th wife of a very old man?   
When I walk around our school, Mara Christian Academy, and see the little girls jump roping and giggling and reading and singing, I can't help but hold back tears of joy for these girls.
"But Jesus said,'Let the little children alone, and do not hinder them from coming to Me; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.'" Matthew 19:14
Soon, we will be opening a girls home, Mara Girls Home, and when I think about it my heart fills with excitement and hope for the girls God will send our way. May we make a difference, even if it's just one!

Thursday, July 21, 2016

The joys of home school life.  Finishing up your work so you can go outside and do something much more exciting.

Hanging out with our kindergarten class is a blast!

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Summer and I had a chance to go out and do some visiting yesterday.   We went to visit a Christian lady in our church whose husband died this week.  She is a very strong lady and was doing very well considering what's doing on in her life.  I felt more encouraged by her than she probably did by me.
After visiting with her we moved on to another house and visited with a 16 year old girl who just had a baby out of wedlock.  She is a sweet girl who used to be involved in our church not to long ago.  I held her precious baby and tried to encourage her to come back to church when she can and that we love her very much.
On our way home we stopped by the house of one of our school kids whose dad was killed last week by an elephant and then tragically finished by hyenas.   We sat and talked with the mom and family that was there comforting them.
As I went home reflecting on the visits we had made I realized that through it all, the death of a husband, birth of a child out of wedlock and the tragic death of a father and husband, that the message stays the same.  Jesus is our firm foundation, our strong hold!  There is nothing outside of that truth that can get us through each day.
My hope and prayer is that we can encourage our neighbors with that truth and live it daily.
"To live is Christ and to die is gain." Nothing more, nothing less. May we live to God's glory no matter what!

Friday, July 15, 2016

Recently, I was at Ladies Bible study getting ready to teach. First we sing then it's open for whomever would like to share a testimony.  One lady had something to share.  She told us that life has been hard for her, that her husband died and that recently her last cow died.  She was in despair and told her children there was no hope to live any longer  and that she might as well burn her house and all that is in it.
She went on to say that her son, who is a believer and a part of our church, told her that there was hope in God.  She said he encouraged her to be strong and not give up.   
My heart was so burdened after she shared that it was difficult for me to teach.
I spoke to the lady the next day to try to encourage her again to be strong in Jesus.  She proceeded to tell me that the teaching in the church and various encouragements from people in the church have been a huge blessing to her.
I think she is starting to see the light from her dark place. God is good to draw us close and open our eyes to His faithfulness.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Life on the mission field can be defined as: be flexible or you are NOT going to make it.

When we arrived back on the field late October after a 7 month furlough we hit the ground running; it was like we had not left!  People came by with their needs, Sunday school lessons and sermons had to be put together, the school buildings had to be complete for the upcoming school year, and of course let's throw in a shipping container that was suppose to be here late November.
We had to leave our station to wait in the Capitol for the shipping container that we were told was coming the next day...and the next day...and the next day, until finally we gave up and return home to our station.
I have to admit I was really struggling because it was December, time to put up the Christmas tree and make cookies with my daughters.  I had big plans to read them a book like I did last year and watch Christmas movies at the end of the day as a family.  Instead, we were gone most of December and when we did return to our station we were so busy trying to catch up from all we had missed out on that Christmas drifted by.  Oh we did put the tree up for the kids and we had a blast with another missionary family that was staying with us while we all awaited the container, but it was different.
Travis was gone Christmas Eve because the container just had to come on Christmas Eve...I mean why not, right?
Although things were different and not how I had planned them, it was good because it was all in God's hands.  There is no better place then to be in God's hands.  A lot of times that means you have to be flexible and roll with it.  When we were gone I was able to finish a book by Elisabeth Elliot, which was a huge challenge to me.  I also was able to listen to some of her lectures and was totally encouraged.  God knows what we need! Because the container was so delayed we got to share our Christmas with another missionary family and we had a blast!

God is so good and worthy to be praised and served!   He is on His throne!!!!