Friday, October 23, 2015

Packing up

    We have been packing the past couple days getting things in order for our up coming journey back to Kenya.  It seems like the packing gets easier the more you do it...and boy do we pack often.
    I remember packing for out first trip to Kenya; boy was it stressful. I think not knowing fully what was ahead added to that stress.  We were so excited and got on the plane with such anticapation for the future.  For years we had prepared to move to Kenya to be missionaries, so the moment had finally arrived for us to go. 
   When we landed in Kenya we were so tired from the flight with two little ones plus we had made the mistake of carrying on with us way to much stuff which added to our fatigue.  As we were heading to our base for the night I remember being amazed at all the people out walking, even at night! Neither Traivs or I had been to Kenya yet so it was all so new! We got to our base and settled in for the night.  Fellow missionaries had bought us a little bit of food so we ate some and got our kiddos ready for bed.  We were staying in a 20ft container with the door bolted shut. There were handmade wooden bunk beds that we shared with the kids, Traivs and I were on the top.  Oh my it was tight, like a coffin!  I left the fan on, since it seemed stuffy in there, and the light on since there were no windows either!  I laid there while everyone fell happily asleep and I wondered what in the world had a gotten myself into!  I cried like a baby half the night!  That excited I had turn into tears very quickly.  
   I began to that God's mercies are new every morning! I also learned that a good hot cup of Java coffee is good for the soul! I was so thankful for our fellow missionaries who brought me a hot cup of coffee that first morning.  
   It's fun to look back at how God has worked in our lives and has grown us through different circumstances.        

             This is Skylar's idea of packing!               

Friday, October 9, 2015

    May 2006 Travis and I bored the plane for Africa.  We had a free spirited 4 year old and petite 2 year old tagging along with us on that 18hour flight plus layover.  Oh Travis and I were excited and ready for any obstacle that came our way.  We didn't know what God had in store for us, but we were willing to count the cost.  We had already started counting that cost when we said our good-byes to our families and friends and took our sweet girls far another country we had not even seen before.
   We began the life of good-byes.  No, it is not easy.  Yes, Jesus is worth every step, every mountain climbed, every valley walked through and every good-bye said.
    I want to record my journey and share it with you in hopes that it will bring glory to God because that is my ultimate goal.  Some of my thoughts and stories will be from years past as well as present day as I want to recount all God has done and brought us through.  I hope this will encourage you in your own personal walk with Jesus.
   Just remember...Jesus is worth it!
Travis, Sarah, Summer and me in one of our first years in Kenya