Wednesday, September 14, 2016

It's hard to explain the love I have in my heart for the people we work with.  The other day I was walking in the village greeting people, visiting with ladies I haven't seen in a while and inviting others to church and as I was walking around I felt so over whelmed with thankfulness to God for allowing us to be here and serve Him in this way.

Yesterday we had our Women's Bible Study at a ladies house. We do that every now and again to welcome new babies, it's kind of like a baby shower, but different than the way we do it in the states.
When we arrive at the house we all squeeze in and sit where we can and just when you thing no one else will fit, more come and somehow we make room.  Normally it is very hot in the hut but this lady's house is a bit bigger and has a good opening for a door and a window across the room, so, the breeze was nice.  Although, when the wind started picking up the ladies insisted on closing the window so the wind wouldn't bother the babies, (who are nicely bundled I might add).

Elizabeth, my dear Masai friend, shared from the Word to encourage this mama of twins about how children are a blessing and that whenever they start to annoy her just to look at then and say, "You are a blessing," and then you will see your frustrations subside.  She taught for a short time, then the mama who we were there to celebrate had a few words to say.  Now, before I tell you want she said I want you to know that she has 5 or so kids and the last two are twin girls who are just precious.  OK, she started by saying she is thankful we all came to welcome her twins and that she is blessed by us being there.  Then she says, "I'm not finished having babies, I'm not yet satisfied so I will keep having more."  Oh, of course we all laughed in some kind of agreement, but she was totally serious and we all knew it.

Not so much now, but in the recent past, a good Masai women would have around 10 kids.  One of the older ladies in our church whom I just found out recently was born in 1935, used to tell all of us ladies that we needed to keep having babies until our eggs ran out!

After the Bible study all the ladies gave words of encouragement to this mama, it was such a precious time of fellowship.  Then, our hostess brought us chai and bread to enjoy, and two sodas, one for me and one for Sarah.  They are so kind since milk does not set well with me these days.

As we all sat enjoying ourselves I just sat and watched and listened to these ladies go on and on.  Sometimes you would think they are fighting, but they aren't, they are having a wonderful time. I speak Swahili and so do most of them, but Masai is their mother tongue so they were rambling on in Masai and I usually just pick up bits and pieces of what they are saying.  I love watching them have a good time with each other, passing babies back and forth, sipping chai and munching on bread and tons of laughter!

It's times like these that I sit back and think about how much I love Jesus and how grateful I am to be here serving Him, and how sweet fellowship with Christ is because there are no boundaries of tribe, race or tongue!  God is amazing!

1 comment:

  1. My heart is full. If our loved ones in heaven can look down from heaven, I just know Grandma Doty is also beaming with tears.
